 You can restart VPS via the command line or Virtualizor.  How to Reboot/Restart a VPS via...
You can shut down the VPS in two ways - forcefully or gracefully in Virtualizor. Â How to...
 If your VPS is down/offline, you can start it using Virtualizor.  1. Log in to your...
 You can access your VPS via VNC in an emergency, such as when a firewall blocks your IP, the...
 You can easily Install/Reinstall the operating system using the Virtualizor. However, note...
 The Virtualizor's automatic reinstall option does not allow you to modify or create a custom...
 Virtualizor allows you to enable or disable VNC, APIC, and ACPI.  1. Log in to your...
 You can change the hostname in Virtualizor.  1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel....
 You can change the root/admin password of your VPS operating system using Virtualizor. Â...
 You can change the VNC password using Virtualizor.  1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control...
 Do you know that you can set a self-timer for the VPS to start/shutdown/reboot or Power off...
 You can easily edit the self-shutdown timer in Virtualizor. Please, follow the steps below to...
 You can remove the self-shutdown timer in Virtualizor. Please, follow the steps below to...
 Rescue mode can be used for data recovery, OS repair, etc. You can enable rescue mode on your...
 If you have previously enabled rescue mode but did not know how to disable it, follow this...